is forum for citizens from Bengaluru to participate online to bring together ideas to make this city a better palace. It is a relatively new forum. It was a collective effort of a group of people who were writing blogs related to nama Bengaluru to join and start a common blog/platform to exchange ideas and issues concerning Bengaluru. I have myself been participating in the discussions for quite sometime now. had an active discussion concerning the new Bengaluru international airport for quite sometime. This discussion was noticed by BIAL and they invited members to visit the new airport to clear some of the issues raised in the forum. The fact that the concerned authorities took notice of such activity and came forward to address the issues is a great achievement for The members interacted with BIAL officials and raised many questions. Read this link to get more information on that.
People come up with a lot of unconventional/simple solutions to complex problems of Bengaluru here. I hope more and more civic authorities take note of such forums and work towards a better Bengaluru. From the discussions i had with the other members, i understand that we will be meeting the officials of these civic utilities to make them aware of the problems and also possible solutions. I hope this initiate does something good for Bengaluru.
A few pictures of the new Bengaluru International Airport had an active discussion concerning the new Bengaluru international airport for quite sometime. This discussion was noticed by BIAL and they invited members to visit the new airport to clear some of the issues raised in the forum. The fact that the concerned authorities took notice of such activity and came forward to address the issues is a great achievement for The members interacted with BIAL officials and raised many questions. Read this link to get more information on that.
People come up with a lot of unconventional/simple solutions to complex problems of Bengaluru here. I hope more and more civic authorities take note of such forums and work towards a better Bengaluru. From the discussions i had with the other members, i understand that we will be meeting the officials of these civic utilities to make them aware of the problems and also possible solutions. I hope this initiate does something good for Bengaluru.
A few pictures of the new Bengaluru International Airport